Marketing Services


MEDICONNECT®️ creative staff comes from a variety of backgrounds to bring a fresh approach to healthcare advertising. With some of the restrictions in healthcare advertising, it is always a challenge to find ways to grab the audience…without grabbing an arm of the legal or regulatory system at the same time.

Our staff has won a number of local advertising and design awards for work in the following:

  • Television.
  • Print advertising.
  • Integrated campaigns.
  • Web site design.
  • Direct marketing.
  • Collateral materials.
  • Patient education systems.

Media is becoming more complex as the number of outlets grows at an astonishing rate and as media consumption habits change dramatically.

Network television now commands less than 50% of the overall viewing audience as cable and satellite channels explode. An estimated 80 million people of all ages are now regular internet users. Healthcare trade media is also an important part of our work at MEDICONNECT®️ .

Because we are focused exclusively on healthcare, we maintain relationships with numerous healthcare trade publications in an effort to help our customers maximize their media investments.

Direct marketing

Direct Marketing, especially to physicians, is an integral part of many marketing communications plans. Our staff has developed numerous successful and winning direct marketing campaigns targeting:

  • Physicians
  • Health plan executives
  • Patients
  • High-income households
  • Senior adults employee benefits managers
  • Group purchasing organizations
  • Third party payers

Public relations

Public relation is an important part of the integrated marketing communications mix.

Developing strategies to foster a continuous relationship with your customers, creating a positive image of your organization and managing editorial opportunities are just part of a successful public relations strategy.

Public relation is more than just publicity, it’s the creation of a positive image with each of your internal and external target audiences.

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